I've put together a list of books (novels & short fiction) published in 2012. So far I have 240 on the list. I'll update it later this year.

Linda ABBOTT. The Loss of the Marion (2012) novel
Caroline ADDERSON. Middle of Nowhere (2012) novel
Paul ALMOND. The Pilgrim (2012) novel
Sandi Krawchenko ALTNER. Ravenscraig (2012) novel
David ANNANDALE. Gethsemane Hall (2012) novel
Kelley ARMSTRONG. The Calling (2012) novel
Kelley ARMSTRONG. 13 (2012) novel
Allison BAGGIO. In the Body (2012)short fiction
Binnie BRENNAN. A Certain Grace (2012) short fiction
Todd BABIAK. The South of France (2012) novel
Gordon BAILEY. The Jagged Cup (2012) novel
Shauna Singh BALDWIN. The Selector of Souls (2012) novel
Byrna R. BARCLAY. Trust Your Eyes (2012) novel
David BEASLEY. Overworld, Underworld (2012) novel
Wade BELL. Tracies Revenge & Other Stories (2012) short fiction
C.C. BENISON. Eleven Pipers Piping (2012) novel
David BERGEN. The Age of Hope (2012) novel
Tamara Faith BERGER. Maidenhead (2012) novel
Leon BERGER. Horses (2012) novel
Anthony BIDULKA. Dos Equis (2012) novel
Heather BIRRELL. Mad Hope (2012) short fiction
Rick BLECHTA. The Fallen One (2012) novel
Giles BLUNT. Until the Night (2012) novel
Sandy BONNY. The Sometimes Lake (2012) short fiction
C.P. BOYKO. Psychology and Other Stories (2012) short fiction
Gail BOWEN. Kaleidoscope (2012) novel
Tim BOWLING. The Tinsmith (2012) novel
Aaron BUSHKOWSKY. Curtains for Roy (2012) novel
Paul BUTLER. Titanic Ashes (2012) novel
Gillian CAMPBELL. The Apple House (2012) novel
Marjorie CELONA. Y (2012) novel
Heather CLARK. Chai Tea Sunday (2012) novel
Trevor CLARK. Escape and Other Stories (2012) short fiction
Ian COLFORD. The Crimes of Hector Tomas (2012) novel
Gerard COLLINS. Finton Moon (2012) novel
Joey COMEAU. The Complete Lockpick Pornography (2012) fiction
Meira COOK. The House on Sugarbush Road (2012) novel
Dani COUTURE. Algoma (2011) novel
Lesley CREWE. Kin (2012) novel
Daniel Allen COX. Basement of Wolves (2012) novel
Lynn CROSBIE. Life Is About Losing Everything (2012) novel
Paulo DA COSTA. The Scent of a Lie (2012) short fiction
Sarah DEARING. The Art of Sufficient Conclusions (2012) novel
Jennifer DEBRUIN. A Walk With Mary (2012) novel
Vicki DELANY. Gold Mountain (2012) novel
Vicki DELANY. A Winter Kill (2012) novel
Vicki DELANY. More Than Sorrow (2012) novel
A. M. DELLAMONICA. Blue Magic (2012) novel
Tamas DOBOZY. Siege 13 (2012) short fiction
D.O. DODD. The Immigrant's Handbook (2012) novel
Emma DONOGHUE. Astray (2012) short fiction
Tricia DOWER. Stony River (2012) novel
Jill DOWNIE. A Grave Waiting (2012) novel
Sharon Abron DRACHE. Barbara Klein-Muskrat, Then and Now (2012) short fiction
Peter DUBÉ. The City's Gate (2012) novel
Dora DUECK. You Get at Home (2012) short fiction
Melanie DUGAN. Dead Beautiful (2012) novel
Timothy DUGDALE. Ghost Romances (2012) as Stirling Noh short fiction
Don EASTON. Birds of a Feather (2012) novel
Steven ERIKSON. Forge of Darkness (2012) novel
Jon EVANS. Swarm (2012) novel
Cary FAGAN. My Life among the Apes (2012) novel
Terry FALLIS. Up and Down (2012) novel
Will FERGUSON. 419 (2012) novel
Anne FLEMING. Gay Dwarves of America (2012) short fiction
Crystal FLETCHER. Beauty Beneath the Banyon (2012) novel
C.B. FORREST. The Devil's Dust (2012) novel
Scott FOTHERINGHAM. The Rest is Silence (2012) novel
Mark FRUTKIN. A Message for the Emperor (2012) novel
Bill GASTON. The World (2012) novel
Shree GHATAGE. Thirst (2012) novel
Sky GILBERT. Come Back (2012) novel
Susan GLICKMAN. The Tale-Teller (2012) novel
Genevieve GRAHAM. Under the Same Sky (2012) novel
Genevieve GRAHAM. Sound of the Heart (2012) novel
Chris GUDGEON. Song of Kosovo (2012) novel
Don GUTTERIDGE. Dubious Allegiance (2012) novel
Don GUTTERIDGE. The Rebellion Mysteries: Turncoat, Solemn Vows, Vital Secrets (2012) novels
Ian HAMILTON. The Wild Beasts of Wuhan (2012) novel
Ian HAMILTON. The Red Pole of Macau (2012) novel
R.J. HARLICK. A Green Place for Dying (2012) novel
Steven HEIGHTON. The Dead Are More Visible (2012) short fiction
Barb HOWARD. Western Taxidermy (2012) short fiction
Rawi HAGE. Carnival (2012) novel
Ian HAMILTON. The Wild Beasts of Wuhan (2012) novel
Ian HAMILTON. The Red Pole of Macau (2012) novel
Miranda HILL. Sleeping Funny (2012) short fiction
Linda HOLEMAN. The Lost Souls of Angelkov (2012) novel
Andrew HOOD. The Cloaca (2012) short fiction
Robert HOUGH. Dr. Brinkley's Tower (2012) novel
Dave HUGELSCHAFFER. Whiskey Creek (2012) novel
Christopher HYDE. Red Templar (2012) as 'Paul Christopher' novel
Christopher HYDE. Valley of the Templars (2012) as 'Paul Christopher' novel
Christopher HYDE. Lost City of the Templars (2012) as 'Paul Christopher' novel
Kim IZZO. The Jane Austen Marriage Manual (2012) novel
Mary JACKMAN. Spoiled Rotten (2012) novel
Barbara JANUSZ. Mirrored in the Caves (2012) novel
A.J.B. JOHNSTON. Thomas: A Secret Life (2012) novel
Faith Johnston. Only Man in the World (2012) novel
Rosa JORDAN. The Woman She Was (2012) novel
G.B. JOYCE. The Code (2012) novel
Irena KARAFILLY. The Captive Sun (2012) novel
Janet KELLOUGH. Sowing Poison (2012) novel
Kerry KELLY. The Family Album (2012) novel
Michael KENYON. A Year at River Mountain (2012) novel
Fran KIMMEL. The Shore Girl (2012) novel
Yejide KILANKO. Daughters Who Walk this Path (2012) novel
Ken KLONSKY. Life Without (2012) novella
Mike KNOWLES. Never Play Another Man's Game (2012) novel
Debra Purdy KONG. Deadly Accusations (2012) novel
Vincent LAM. The Headmaster's Wager (2012) novel
Matt LENNOX. The Carpenter (2012) novel
Barbara LAMBERT. The Whirlling Girl (2012) novel
Annette LAPOINTE. Whitetail Shooting Gallery (2012) novel
Micheal LAVERTY. Hands Of The Tyrants (2012) novel
Robin D. LAWS. New Tales of the Yellow Sign (2012) short fiction
Robin D. LAWS. Blood of the City (2012) novel
Robin D. LAWS. The Treasure of Thallai (2012) novella
Rebecca LEE. Bobcat (2012) short fiction
Shelley A. LEEDAHL. Listen, Honey (2012) short fiction
John LENT. The Path to Ardroe (2012) novel
Alex LESLIE. People Who Disappear (2012) short fiction
Naomi K. LEWIS. I Know Who You Remind Me Of (2012) short fiction
Margot LIVESEY. The Flight of Gemma Hardy (2012) novel
Billie LIVINGSTON. One Good Hustle (2012) novel
Annabel LYON. The Sweet Girl (2012) novel
D.R. MACDONALD. Anna from Away (2012) novel
Linden MACINTYRE. Why Men Lie (2012) novel
Kyo MACLEAR. Stray Love (2012) novel
Darlene MADOTT. Stations of the Heart Exile (2012) short fiction
Aga MAKSIMOWSKA. Giant (2012) novel
Pasha MALLA. People Park (2012) novel
Emily St. John MANDEL. The Lola Quartet (2012) novel
Stephen MARCHE. Love and the Mess We're In (2012) novel
Dave MARGOSHES. A Book of Great Worth (2012) short fiction
Missy MARSTON. The Love Monster (2012) novel
Samuel Thomas MARTIN. A Blessed Snarl (2012) novel
James MATTHEWS. The Mean Time (2012) novel
Elaine MCCLUSKEY. Valery the Great (2012) short fiction
John MCFETRIDGE. Tumblin Dice (2012) novel
Catherine MCKENZIE. Forgotten (2012) novel
Ian MCKERCHER. The Underling (2012) novel
Teresa MCWHIRTER. Five Little Bitches (2012) novel
Christopher MEADES. The Last Hiccup (2012) novel
Felicia MIHALI. The Darling of Kandahar (2012) novel
Judith MILLAR. Grave Concern (2012) novel
Stephen MILLER. The Messenger (2012) novel
Donna MILNER. Somewhere in Between (2012) novel
Rick MOFINA. The Burning Edge (2012) novel
Donna MORRISSEY. The Deception of Livvy Higgs (2012) novel
Sam MUKHERJEE. In The Name of Love (2012) novel
Nina MUNTEANU. The Last Summoner (2012) novel
Susan MUSGRAVE. Given (2012) novel
Tara NANAYAKKARA. Priya's World (2012) novel
Lilian NATTEL. Web of Angels (2012) novel
Julie OAKES. Hooks (2012) novel
Grace O'CONNELL. Magnified World (2012) novel
Alix OHLIN. Inside (2012) novel
Alix OHLIN. Signs and Wonders (2012) short fiction
Katrina ONSTAD. Everybody Has Everything (2012) novel
Kurt PALKA. Patient Number 7 (2012) novel
Arlene PARÉ. Leaving Now (2012) novel
Lydia PEROVIC. Incidental Music (2012) novel
Alice PETERSEN. All the Voices Cry (2012) short fiction
Sheila PETERS. The Taste of Ashes (2012) novel
Edward O. PHILLIPS. A Month of Sundays (2012) novel
Anton PIATIGORSKY. The Iron Bridge (2012) short fiction
Brent PILKEY. Secret Rage (2012) novel
Christine POUNTNEY. Sweet Jesus (2012) novel
Q, R
Edeet RAVEL. The Cat (2012) novel
Corey REDEKOP. Husk (2012) novel
Kathy REICHS. Bones Are Forever (2012) novel
John Lawrence REYNOLDS. Beach Strip (2012) novel
Robert ROTENBERG. Stray Bullets (2012) novel
Mark A. RAYNER. Pirate Therapy and Other Cures (2012) short fiction
Linda L. RICHARDS. The Indigo Factor (2012) novel
C.S. RICHARDSON. The Emperor of Paris (2012) novel
Nancy RICHLER. The Imposter Bride (2012) novel
J.A. RICKETTS. The Badger Redemption (2012) novel Flanker Press
Tanis RIDEOUT. Above All Things (2012) novel
J. Jill ROBINSON. More in Anger (2012) novel
Peter ROBINSON. Watching the Dark (2012) novel
Linda ROGERS. The Third Day Book (2012) novel
B. Glen ROTCHIN. Halbman Steals Home (2012) novel
Jeffrey ROUND. Lake on the Mountain (2012) novel
Bill ROWE. Rosie O'Dell (2012) novel
Lesleyanne RYAN, Braco (2012) novel
John Ralston SAUL. Dark Diversions (2012) novel
Melanie SCHNELL. While The Sun Is Above Us (2012) novel
Shyam SELVADURAI. The Hungry Ghosts (2012) novel
Sarah SHEARD. Krank (2012) novel
Howard SHRIER. Boston Cream (2012) novel
Carrie SNYDER. The Juliet Stories (2012) short fiction/novel
Barbara SAPERGIA. Blood and Salt (2012) novel
Robert J. SAWYER. Wonder (2012) novel
Robert J. SAWYER. Triggers (2012) novel
Anakana SCHOFIELD. Malarky (2012) novel
Adam Lewis SCHROEDER. All-Day Breakfast (2012) novel
Karl SCHROEDER. Ashes of Candesce (2012) novel
Emily SCHULTZ. The Blondes (2012) novel
Joey SLINGER. Nina, the Bandit Queen (2012) novel
Brad SMITH. Red Means Run (2012) novel
Brad SMITH. Crow's Landing (2012) novel
Jill SOOLEY. Baggage (2012) novel
Linda SPALDING. The Purchase (2012) novel
Steven STANTON. The Bloodlight Chronicles: Redemption (2012) novel
Ben STEPHENSON. A Matter of Life and Death or Something (2012) novel
Cassie STOCKS. Dance, Gladys, Dance (2012) novel
Marc STRANGE. Woman Chased by Crows (2012) novel
Carsten STROUD. Niceville (2012) novel
Nellie P. STROWBRIDGE. Maiden from the Sea (2012) novel
Cordelia STRUBE. Milosz (2012) novel
Linda SVENDSEN. Sussex Drive (2012) novel
Susan SWAN. The Western Light (2012) novel
Royston TESTER. Fatty Goes To China (2012) short fiction
Yasuko THANH. Floating like the Dead (2012) short fiction
Scott THORNLEY. The Ambitious City (2012) novel
Morley TORGOV. The Mastersinger from Minsk (2012) novel
Lawrence UHLIN. Lochside Stories (2012) short fiction
Richard VAN CAMP. Godless But Loyal to Heaven (2012) short fiction
M.G. VASSANJI. The Magic of Saida (2012) novel
John VIGNA. Bull Head (2012) short fiction
Richard WAGAMESE. Indian Horse (2012) novel
Mary W. WALTERS. The Whole Clove Diet (2012) novel
Michelle WAN. When I Kill You (2012) novel
Russell WANGERSKY. Whirl Away (2012) short fiction
Donald WARD. The Weeping Chair (2012) short fiction
Sylvia Maultash WARSH. Best Girl (2012) novella
Sophie B. WATSON. Cadillac Couches (2012) novel
Barry WEBSTER. The Lava in My Bones (2012) novel
Terrence Rundle WEST. Not In My Father's Footsteps (2012) novel
David WHELLAMS. Walking Into the Ocean (2012) novel
Jack WHYTE. The Renegade: A Tale of Robert the Bruce (2012) novel
Dave WILLIAMSON. Dating (2012) novel
Julie WILSON. Seen Reading (2012) short fiction
Inger Ash WOLFE, pseudonym of Michael Redhill. A Door in the River (2012) novel
A. Colin WRIGHT. A Cupboardful of Shoes (2012) short fiction
Rachel WYATT. Suspicion (2012) novel
Sarah Kathryn YORK. The Anatomy of Edouard Beaupré (2012) novel
Rio YOUERS. Westlake Soul (2012) novel
Jan ZWICKY. The Book of Frog (2012) fiction

Linda ABBOTT. The Loss of the Marion (2012) novel
Caroline ADDERSON. Middle of Nowhere (2012) novel
Paul ALMOND. The Pilgrim (2012) novel
Sandi Krawchenko ALTNER. Ravenscraig (2012) novel
David ANNANDALE. Gethsemane Hall (2012) novel
Kelley ARMSTRONG. The Calling (2012) novel
Kelley ARMSTRONG. 13 (2012) novel
Allison BAGGIO. In the Body (2012)short fiction
Binnie BRENNAN. A Certain Grace (2012) short fiction
Todd BABIAK. The South of France (2012) novel
Gordon BAILEY. The Jagged Cup (2012) novel
Shauna Singh BALDWIN. The Selector of Souls (2012) novel
Byrna R. BARCLAY. Trust Your Eyes (2012) novel
David BEASLEY. Overworld, Underworld (2012) novel
Wade BELL. Tracies Revenge & Other Stories (2012) short fiction
C.C. BENISON. Eleven Pipers Piping (2012) novel
David BERGEN. The Age of Hope (2012) novel
Tamara Faith BERGER. Maidenhead (2012) novel
Leon BERGER. Horses (2012) novel
Anthony BIDULKA. Dos Equis (2012) novel
Heather BIRRELL. Mad Hope (2012) short fiction
Rick BLECHTA. The Fallen One (2012) novel
Giles BLUNT. Until the Night (2012) novel
Sandy BONNY. The Sometimes Lake (2012) short fiction
C.P. BOYKO. Psychology and Other Stories (2012) short fiction
Gail BOWEN. Kaleidoscope (2012) novel
Tim BOWLING. The Tinsmith (2012) novel
Aaron BUSHKOWSKY. Curtains for Roy (2012) novel
Paul BUTLER. Titanic Ashes (2012) novel
Gillian CAMPBELL. The Apple House (2012) novel
Marjorie CELONA. Y (2012) novel
Heather CLARK. Chai Tea Sunday (2012) novel
Trevor CLARK. Escape and Other Stories (2012) short fiction
Ian COLFORD. The Crimes of Hector Tomas (2012) novel
Gerard COLLINS. Finton Moon (2012) novel
Joey COMEAU. The Complete Lockpick Pornography (2012) fiction
Meira COOK. The House on Sugarbush Road (2012) novel
Dani COUTURE. Algoma (2011) novel
Lesley CREWE. Kin (2012) novel
Daniel Allen COX. Basement of Wolves (2012) novel
Lynn CROSBIE. Life Is About Losing Everything (2012) novel
Paulo DA COSTA. The Scent of a Lie (2012) short fiction
Sarah DEARING. The Art of Sufficient Conclusions (2012) novel
Jennifer DEBRUIN. A Walk With Mary (2012) novel
Vicki DELANY. Gold Mountain (2012) novel
Vicki DELANY. A Winter Kill (2012) novel
Vicki DELANY. More Than Sorrow (2012) novel
A. M. DELLAMONICA. Blue Magic (2012) novel
Tamas DOBOZY. Siege 13 (2012) short fiction
D.O. DODD. The Immigrant's Handbook (2012) novel
Emma DONOGHUE. Astray (2012) short fiction
Tricia DOWER. Stony River (2012) novel
Jill DOWNIE. A Grave Waiting (2012) novel
Sharon Abron DRACHE. Barbara Klein-Muskrat, Then and Now (2012) short fiction
Peter DUBÉ. The City's Gate (2012) novel
Dora DUECK. You Get at Home (2012) short fiction
Melanie DUGAN. Dead Beautiful (2012) novel
Timothy DUGDALE. Ghost Romances (2012) as Stirling Noh short fiction
Don EASTON. Birds of a Feather (2012) novel
Steven ERIKSON. Forge of Darkness (2012) novel
Jon EVANS. Swarm (2012) novel
Cary FAGAN. My Life among the Apes (2012) novel
Terry FALLIS. Up and Down (2012) novel
Will FERGUSON. 419 (2012) novel
Anne FLEMING. Gay Dwarves of America (2012) short fiction
Crystal FLETCHER. Beauty Beneath the Banyon (2012) novel
C.B. FORREST. The Devil's Dust (2012) novel
Scott FOTHERINGHAM. The Rest is Silence (2012) novel
Mark FRUTKIN. A Message for the Emperor (2012) novel
Bill GASTON. The World (2012) novel
Shree GHATAGE. Thirst (2012) novel
Sky GILBERT. Come Back (2012) novel
Susan GLICKMAN. The Tale-Teller (2012) novel
Genevieve GRAHAM. Under the Same Sky (2012) novel
Genevieve GRAHAM. Sound of the Heart (2012) novel
Chris GUDGEON. Song of Kosovo (2012) novel
Don GUTTERIDGE. Dubious Allegiance (2012) novel
Don GUTTERIDGE. The Rebellion Mysteries: Turncoat, Solemn Vows, Vital Secrets (2012) novels
Ian HAMILTON. The Wild Beasts of Wuhan (2012) novel
Ian HAMILTON. The Red Pole of Macau (2012) novel
R.J. HARLICK. A Green Place for Dying (2012) novel
Steven HEIGHTON. The Dead Are More Visible (2012) short fiction
Barb HOWARD. Western Taxidermy (2012) short fiction
Rawi HAGE. Carnival (2012) novel
Ian HAMILTON. The Wild Beasts of Wuhan (2012) novel
Ian HAMILTON. The Red Pole of Macau (2012) novel
Miranda HILL. Sleeping Funny (2012) short fiction
Linda HOLEMAN. The Lost Souls of Angelkov (2012) novel
Andrew HOOD. The Cloaca (2012) short fiction
Robert HOUGH. Dr. Brinkley's Tower (2012) novel
Dave HUGELSCHAFFER. Whiskey Creek (2012) novel
Christopher HYDE. Red Templar (2012) as 'Paul Christopher' novel
Christopher HYDE. Valley of the Templars (2012) as 'Paul Christopher' novel
Christopher HYDE. Lost City of the Templars (2012) as 'Paul Christopher' novel
Kim IZZO. The Jane Austen Marriage Manual (2012) novel
Mary JACKMAN. Spoiled Rotten (2012) novel
Barbara JANUSZ. Mirrored in the Caves (2012) novel
A.J.B. JOHNSTON. Thomas: A Secret Life (2012) novel
Faith Johnston. Only Man in the World (2012) novel
Rosa JORDAN. The Woman She Was (2012) novel
G.B. JOYCE. The Code (2012) novel
Irena KARAFILLY. The Captive Sun (2012) novel
Janet KELLOUGH. Sowing Poison (2012) novel
Kerry KELLY. The Family Album (2012) novel
Michael KENYON. A Year at River Mountain (2012) novel
Fran KIMMEL. The Shore Girl (2012) novel
Yejide KILANKO. Daughters Who Walk this Path (2012) novel
Ken KLONSKY. Life Without (2012) novella
Mike KNOWLES. Never Play Another Man's Game (2012) novel
Debra Purdy KONG. Deadly Accusations (2012) novel
Vincent LAM. The Headmaster's Wager (2012) novel
Matt LENNOX. The Carpenter (2012) novel
Barbara LAMBERT. The Whirlling Girl (2012) novel
Annette LAPOINTE. Whitetail Shooting Gallery (2012) novel
Micheal LAVERTY. Hands Of The Tyrants (2012) novel
Robin D. LAWS. New Tales of the Yellow Sign (2012) short fiction
Robin D. LAWS. Blood of the City (2012) novel
Robin D. LAWS. The Treasure of Thallai (2012) novella
Rebecca LEE. Bobcat (2012) short fiction
Shelley A. LEEDAHL. Listen, Honey (2012) short fiction
John LENT. The Path to Ardroe (2012) novel
Alex LESLIE. People Who Disappear (2012) short fiction
Naomi K. LEWIS. I Know Who You Remind Me Of (2012) short fiction
Margot LIVESEY. The Flight of Gemma Hardy (2012) novel
Billie LIVINGSTON. One Good Hustle (2012) novel
Annabel LYON. The Sweet Girl (2012) novel
D.R. MACDONALD. Anna from Away (2012) novel
Linden MACINTYRE. Why Men Lie (2012) novel
Kyo MACLEAR. Stray Love (2012) novel
Darlene MADOTT. Stations of the Heart Exile (2012) short fiction
Aga MAKSIMOWSKA. Giant (2012) novel
Pasha MALLA. People Park (2012) novel
Emily St. John MANDEL. The Lola Quartet (2012) novel
Stephen MARCHE. Love and the Mess We're In (2012) novel
Dave MARGOSHES. A Book of Great Worth (2012) short fiction
Missy MARSTON. The Love Monster (2012) novel
Samuel Thomas MARTIN. A Blessed Snarl (2012) novel
James MATTHEWS. The Mean Time (2012) novel
Elaine MCCLUSKEY. Valery the Great (2012) short fiction
John MCFETRIDGE. Tumblin Dice (2012) novel
Catherine MCKENZIE. Forgotten (2012) novel
Ian MCKERCHER. The Underling (2012) novel
Teresa MCWHIRTER. Five Little Bitches (2012) novel
Christopher MEADES. The Last Hiccup (2012) novel
Felicia MIHALI. The Darling of Kandahar (2012) novel
Judith MILLAR. Grave Concern (2012) novel
Stephen MILLER. The Messenger (2012) novel
Donna MILNER. Somewhere in Between (2012) novel
Rick MOFINA. The Burning Edge (2012) novel
Donna MORRISSEY. The Deception of Livvy Higgs (2012) novel
Sam MUKHERJEE. In The Name of Love (2012) novel
Nina MUNTEANU. The Last Summoner (2012) novel
Susan MUSGRAVE. Given (2012) novel
Tara NANAYAKKARA. Priya's World (2012) novel
Lilian NATTEL. Web of Angels (2012) novel
Julie OAKES. Hooks (2012) novel
Grace O'CONNELL. Magnified World (2012) novel
Alix OHLIN. Inside (2012) novel
Alix OHLIN. Signs and Wonders (2012) short fiction
Katrina ONSTAD. Everybody Has Everything (2012) novel
Kurt PALKA. Patient Number 7 (2012) novel
Arlene PARÉ. Leaving Now (2012) novel
Lydia PEROVIC. Incidental Music (2012) novel
Alice PETERSEN. All the Voices Cry (2012) short fiction
Sheila PETERS. The Taste of Ashes (2012) novel
Edward O. PHILLIPS. A Month of Sundays (2012) novel
Anton PIATIGORSKY. The Iron Bridge (2012) short fiction
Brent PILKEY. Secret Rage (2012) novel
Christine POUNTNEY. Sweet Jesus (2012) novel
Q, R
Edeet RAVEL. The Cat (2012) novel
Corey REDEKOP. Husk (2012) novel
Kathy REICHS. Bones Are Forever (2012) novel
John Lawrence REYNOLDS. Beach Strip (2012) novel
Robert ROTENBERG. Stray Bullets (2012) novel
Mark A. RAYNER. Pirate Therapy and Other Cures (2012) short fiction
Linda L. RICHARDS. The Indigo Factor (2012) novel
C.S. RICHARDSON. The Emperor of Paris (2012) novel
Nancy RICHLER. The Imposter Bride (2012) novel
J.A. RICKETTS. The Badger Redemption (2012) novel Flanker Press
Tanis RIDEOUT. Above All Things (2012) novel
J. Jill ROBINSON. More in Anger (2012) novel
Peter ROBINSON. Watching the Dark (2012) novel
Linda ROGERS. The Third Day Book (2012) novel
B. Glen ROTCHIN. Halbman Steals Home (2012) novel
Jeffrey ROUND. Lake on the Mountain (2012) novel
Bill ROWE. Rosie O'Dell (2012) novel
Lesleyanne RYAN, Braco (2012) novel
John Ralston SAUL. Dark Diversions (2012) novel
Melanie SCHNELL. While The Sun Is Above Us (2012) novel
Shyam SELVADURAI. The Hungry Ghosts (2012) novel
Sarah SHEARD. Krank (2012) novel
Howard SHRIER. Boston Cream (2012) novel
Carrie SNYDER. The Juliet Stories (2012) short fiction/novel
Barbara SAPERGIA. Blood and Salt (2012) novel
Robert J. SAWYER. Wonder (2012) novel
Robert J. SAWYER. Triggers (2012) novel
Anakana SCHOFIELD. Malarky (2012) novel
Adam Lewis SCHROEDER. All-Day Breakfast (2012) novel
Karl SCHROEDER. Ashes of Candesce (2012) novel
Emily SCHULTZ. The Blondes (2012) novel
Joey SLINGER. Nina, the Bandit Queen (2012) novel
Brad SMITH. Red Means Run (2012) novel
Brad SMITH. Crow's Landing (2012) novel
Jill SOOLEY. Baggage (2012) novel
Linda SPALDING. The Purchase (2012) novel
Steven STANTON. The Bloodlight Chronicles: Redemption (2012) novel
Ben STEPHENSON. A Matter of Life and Death or Something (2012) novel
Cassie STOCKS. Dance, Gladys, Dance (2012) novel
Marc STRANGE. Woman Chased by Crows (2012) novel
Carsten STROUD. Niceville (2012) novel
Nellie P. STROWBRIDGE. Maiden from the Sea (2012) novel
Cordelia STRUBE. Milosz (2012) novel
Linda SVENDSEN. Sussex Drive (2012) novel
Susan SWAN. The Western Light (2012) novel
Royston TESTER. Fatty Goes To China (2012) short fiction
Yasuko THANH. Floating like the Dead (2012) short fiction
Scott THORNLEY. The Ambitious City (2012) novel
Morley TORGOV. The Mastersinger from Minsk (2012) novel
Lawrence UHLIN. Lochside Stories (2012) short fiction
Richard VAN CAMP. Godless But Loyal to Heaven (2012) short fiction
M.G. VASSANJI. The Magic of Saida (2012) novel
John VIGNA. Bull Head (2012) short fiction
Richard WAGAMESE. Indian Horse (2012) novel
Mary W. WALTERS. The Whole Clove Diet (2012) novel
Michelle WAN. When I Kill You (2012) novel
Russell WANGERSKY. Whirl Away (2012) short fiction
Donald WARD. The Weeping Chair (2012) short fiction
Sylvia Maultash WARSH. Best Girl (2012) novella
Sophie B. WATSON. Cadillac Couches (2012) novel
Barry WEBSTER. The Lava in My Bones (2012) novel
Terrence Rundle WEST. Not In My Father's Footsteps (2012) novel
David WHELLAMS. Walking Into the Ocean (2012) novel
Jack WHYTE. The Renegade: A Tale of Robert the Bruce (2012) novel
Dave WILLIAMSON. Dating (2012) novel
Julie WILSON. Seen Reading (2012) short fiction
Inger Ash WOLFE, pseudonym of Michael Redhill. A Door in the River (2012) novel
A. Colin WRIGHT. A Cupboardful of Shoes (2012) short fiction
Rachel WYATT. Suspicion (2012) novel
Sarah Kathryn YORK. The Anatomy of Edouard Beaupré (2012) novel
Rio YOUERS. Westlake Soul (2012) novel
Jan ZWICKY. The Book of Frog (2012) fiction
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