Here is a list of movies I've seen recently (October & November):
Fallen Idol (1948) director Carol Reed - based on story my Graham Greene
The Bourne Supremacy (2004) - from novel by Robert Ludlum
Bryon (2003) d. Julian Farino - biography of the poet
Leonard Cohen: I'm Your Man (2005) d. Lian Lunson - tribute concert to the poet
Sylvia (2003) d. Christine Jeffs - biography based on the lives of poets Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes
Juno (2007) d. Jason Reitman (Canadian) - written by Diablo Cody
Shakespeare Wallah (1965) d. James Ivory - screenplay was a collaboration of James Ivory and writer Ruth Prawer Jhabvala
A History of Violence (2006) d. David Cronenberg (Canadian) - based on graphic novel by John Wagner and Vince Locke, screenplay Josh Olson (for which he nominated for an Oscar for best adapted screenplay).
A further note on Cronenberg's History: I'm tempted to call it a remake of his movie The Dead Zone (1983), not only because he uses small Ontario towns and masks them as American. The plots are similar: man has a secret and must kill his evil twin to survive. Viggo Mortensen = Christopher Walken (and they both have a limp in the movie). William Hurt = Martin Sheen.
See my website for a list of movies seen and books read by me.