The Giller Prize was awarded last night. The Giller provides a list of the top Canadian fiction writers for the year. The winner may not always be the most interesting, but the list of writers posted may have some that I might enjoy reading.
This year's 2010 Scotiabank Giller Prize winner is Johanna Skibsrud's
The Sentimentalist.
It gets a great deal of publicity. There are 246 news articles listed on Google News. At my local library, but there are already 8 holds on the book before it even arrives.
Johanna Skibsrud, aged 30, of Montreal, is the youngest-ever Giller recipient and picked up the $50,000 book prize. Skibsrud grew up in Pictou County, N.S.
There appears to be a shortage of the winner's book. Gaspereau Press can only print about 1,000 books a week. Gaspereau's headquarters are in Kentville, N.S. The publisher noted that readers can download the book onto an ereader if they are desperate to get it right away. It is not available at my local Coles Book Store.
online price: $18.44
eBook: $9.89
Other finalists on short list:
This Cake is for the Party by Toronto's Sarah Selecky
Light Lifting by Alexander MacLeod of Dartmouth, N.S.
(Son of author Alistair MacLeod.)
The Matter With Morris by Winnipeg's David Bergen
(I've read one of his previous novels.)
Annabel by Montreal-based Kathleen Winter.
long list of Giller finalists:
David Bergen
The Matter With MorrisDouglas Coupland
Player OneMichael Helm
Cities of RefugeAlexandar MacLeod
Light LiftingAvner Mandelman
The DebbaTom Rachman
The ImperfectionistsSarah Selecky
This Cake is for the PartyJohanna Skibsrud
The SentimentalistsCordelia Strube
LemonJoan Thomas
CuriosityJane Urquhart
Sanctuary LineDianne Warren
Cool WaterKathleen Winter